Rough; hairy.

(1.) A Horite; one of the "dukes" of Edom (Genesis 36:20-30).

(2.) The name of a mountainous region occupied by the Edomites, extending along the eastern side of the Arabah from the south-eastern extremity of the Dead Sea to near the Akabah, or the eastern branch of the Red Sea. It was originally occupied by the Horites (Genesis 14:6), who were afterwards driven out by the Edomites (Genesis 32:3; 33:14, 16). It was allotted to the descendants of Esau (Deuteronomy 2:4, 22; Joshua 24:4; 2 Chronicles 20:10; Isaiah 21:11; Ezek. 25:8).

(3.) A mountain range (not the Edomite range, Genesis 32:3) lying between the Wady Aly and the Wady Ghurab (Joshua 15:10).