Whose God is he.

(1.) "The son of Barachel, a Buzite" (Job 32:2), one of Job's friends. When the debate between Job and his friends is brought to a close, Elihu for the first time makes his appearance, and delivers his opinion on the points at issue (Job 32-37).

(2.) The son of Tohu, and grandfather of Elkanah (1 Samuel 1:1). He is called also Eliel (1 Chronicles 6:34) and Eliab (6:27).

(3.) One of the captains of thousands of Manasseh who joined David at Ziklag (1 Chronicles 12:20).

(4.) One of the family of Obed-edom, who were appointed porters of the temple under David (1 Chronicles 26:7).