Denounced by God against the serpent (Genesis 3:14), and against Cain (4:11). These divine maledictions carried their effect with them. Prophetical curses were sometimes pronounced by holy men (Genesis 9:25; 49:7; Deuteronomy 27:15; Joshua 6:26). Such curses are not the consequence of passion or revenge, they are predictions.

No one on pain of death shall curse father or mother (Exodus 21:17), nor the prince of his people (22:28), nor the deaf (Leviticus 19:14). Cursing God or blaspheming was punishable by death (Leviticus 24:10-16). The words "curse God and die" (R.V., "renounce God and die"), used by Job's wife (Job 2:9), have been variously interpreted. Perhaps they simply mean that as nothing but death was expected, God would by this cursing at once interpose and destroy Job, and so put an end to his sufferings.