(1.) A pocket of a cone-like shape in which Naaman bound two pieces of silver for Gehazi (2 Kings 5:23). The same Hebrew word occurs elsewhere only in Isaiah 3:22, where it is rendered "crisping-pins," but denotes the reticules (or as R.V., "satchels") carried by Hebrew women.

(2.) Another word (kees) so rendered means a bag for carrying weights (Deuteronomy 25:13; Proverbs 16:11; Micah 6:11). It also denotes a purse (Proverbs 1:14) and a cup (23:31).

(3.) Another word rendered "bag" in 1 Samuel 17:40 is rendered "sack" in Genesis 42:25; and in 1 Samuel 9:7; 21:5 "vessel," or wallet for carrying food.

(4.) The word rendered in the Authorized Version "bags," in which the priests bound up the money contributed for the restoration of the temple (2 Kings 12:10), is also rendered "bundle" (Genesis 42:35; 1 Samuel 25:29). It denotes bags used by travellers for carrying money during a journey (Proverbs 7:20; Haggai 1:6).

(5.) The "bag" of Judas was a small box (John 12:6; 13:29).